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Using Ally with API guard

Author - Melchyore

Published on Sun Apr 24 2022

Ally is an AdonisJS package to handle social authentication with OAuth providers like Google, Twitter, GitHub, and so on.

Using Ally in MAP (Multi-Page Application) is painless. However, when it comes to SPA (Single-Page Application), things start to get tricky.

Instead of installing packages on your SPA that will handle social authentication, we will use our AdonisJS application as single source of truth.

Setup Ally

You can read the official docs to setup Ally.

Once installed and configured, you will need to configure your provider(s). For the sake of this guide, we will use Google.

Setup Google provider

Open config/ally.ts file and add your client id and client secret. To get your ID and secret, you need to setup a Google OAuth 2.0 application in the Google developer console and create credentials for OAuth client using a Google account.

Once your application created, you will have to create credentials. On Credentials page, click the CREATE CREDENTIALS button and select OAuth Client ID. Select Web Application as Application type. Choose a name for your application. Then, you need to add an URI for Authorised JavaScript origins. It MUST be the domain of your SPA, in my case, it will be http://localhost:9000. Finally, you have to add another URI for the redirection. In the Authorised redirect URIs, add an URL like: http://localhost:9000/auth/google (it depends on your SPA domain and port, I am using localhost to test if everything is working).

Inside config/ally.ts, add the same redirect URL:

google: {
driver: 'google',
clientId: Env.get('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'),
clientSecret: Env.get('GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET'),
callbackUrl: 'http://localhost:9000/auth/google',

Get redirect URL from server

Using the Google configuration provided above, our AdonisJS application can now generate a redirect URL that can be sent to our SPA.

Route.get('/:provider/redirect', async ({ ally, auth, response, params }) => {
if (await auth.check()) {
return response.notAcceptable()
return response.send(await ally.use(params.provider).stateless().redirectUrl())

We can use this route to get the redirect URL for any provider. The condition will return a response with status code = 406 as we don't want our logged in users to access the redirect URL.

If you are using Vue as frontend framework, you can send a request to the above route using axios or fetch API inside the callback of onMounted hook, get the URL and add it to a button component.

Handling the callback request

Now that we have our redirect URL, we can access it from the SPA. Click on it, you will be prompted with a consent form where you can choose your Google account. After choosing your account, you will be redirected to the callback URL provided (which is http://localhost:9000/auth/google ).

Google provider will add a query to our redirect URL. We will use it to send a request to the server.

* Construct URL for the callback route.
const url = new URL('http://localhost:3333/google/callback')
* Add the query provided by google.
*/ =
* Send the final request. You can use Axios if you want.
const response = await fetch(url.toString(), {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json'
credentials: 'include'

Below is the code for the callback route handler.

import User from 'App/Models/User'
Route.get('/:provider/callback', async ({ ally, auth, response, params }) => {
* If user is already logged in, do not execute the callback.
if (await auth.check()) {
return response.notAcceptable()
const provider = ally.use(params.provider).stateless()
* User has explicitly denied the login request.
if (provider.accessDenied()) {
return 'Access was denied'
* There was an unknown error during the redirect.
if (provider.hasError()) {
return provider.getError()
const { token } = await provider.accessToken()
const providerUser = await provider.userFromToken(token)
* Insert the user in database if it doesn't exist,
* otherwise we return it. We are also storing the access token,
* so we cas use it later for other operations.
const user = await User.firstOrCreate({
}, {
accessToken: token,
isVerified: providerUser.emailVerificationState === 'verified'
* Attach a profile to the user with data from provider.
await user.related('profile').firstOrCreate({
lastName: providerUser.original.family_name,
firstName: providerUser.original.given_name,
const oat = await auth.use('api').login(user, {
expiresIn: '7days'
* Create a cookie where the Opaque Access Token
* will be stored with maxAge = 7 days.
{ maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, sameSite: 'none', 'secure': true, httpOnly: true }
* Everything is OK!
return response.ok(user)

So... you are certainly wondering how does it work? In fact, we are using the SPA as an intermediary to pass callback URL to the server. That's all.

Authorize subsequent requests

In order to check if a user is authenticated for subsequent requests, we can create a new middleware to grab the Opaque Access Token from the cookie and append it to the request headers.

To do so, run this command to generate a new middleware file

node ace make:middleware SetAuthorizationHeader

Then, add the following content

import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext'
import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env'
export default class SetAuthorizationHeader {
public async handle ({ request }: HttpContextContract, next: () => Promise<void>) {
const token = request.cookie(String(Env.get('API_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME')))
if (token) {
request.headers().authorization = `Bearer ${token}`
await next()

Finally, you need to register the middleware in the global middleware array, inside start/kernel.ts

() => import('@ioc:Adonis/Core/BodyParser'),
() => import('@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Shield'),
() => import('App/Middleware/SetAuthorizationHeader'),
// Other middleware

Now, you can add the Auth middleware to a route and it will check the token and grant access or deny if it has expired.