Command flags

Command flags

Flags are named parameters mentioned with either two hyphens (--) or a single hyphen (-) (known as the flag alias). The flags can be mentioned in any order.

You must define flags as class properties and decorate them using the @flags decorator. In the following example, we define resource and singular flags, and both represent a boolean value.

import { BaseCommand, flags } from '@adonisjs/core/ace'
export default class MakeControllerCommand extends BaseCommands {
declare resource: boolean
declare singular: boolean

Flag types

Ace allows defining flags for one of the following types.

Boolean flag

A boolean flag is defined using the @flags.boolean decorator. Mentioning the flag will set its value to true. Otherwise, the flag value is undefined.

make:controller --resource
# this.resource === true
# this.resource === undefined
make:controller --no-resource
# this.resource === false

The last example shows that the boolean flags can be negated with the --no- prefix.

By default, the negated option is not shown in the help output. However, you may enable it using the showNegatedVariantInHelp option.

export default class MakeControllerCommand extends BaseCommands {
showNegatedVariantInHelp: true,
declare resource: boolean

String flag

A string flag accepts a value after the flag name. You may define a string flag using the @flags.string method.

import { BaseCommand, flags } from '@adonisjs/core/ace'
export default class MakeControllerCommand extends BaseCommands {
declare model: string
make:controller --model user
# this.model = 'user'

If the flag value has spaces or special characters, it must be wrapped inside the quotes "".

make:controller --model blog user
# this.model = 'blog'
make:controller --model "blog user"
# this.model = 'blog user'

An error is displayed if the flag is mentioned but no value is provided (even when the flag is optional).

# Works! The optional flag is not mentioned
make:controller --model
# Error! Missing value

Number flag

The parsing of a number flag is similar to the string flag. However, the value is validated to ensure it is a valid number.

You can create a number flag using the @flags.number decorator.

import { BaseCommand, flags } from '@adonisjs/core/ace'
export default class MakeUserCommand extends BaseCommands {
declare score: number

Array flag

The array flag allows the usage of the flag multiple times when running a command. You can define an array flag using the @flags.array method.

import { BaseCommand, flags } from '@adonisjs/core/ace'
export default class MakeUserCommand extends BaseCommands {
declare groups: string[]
make:user --groups=admin --groups=moderators --groups=creators
# this.groups = ['admin', 'moderators', 'creators']

Flag name and description

By default, the flag name is a dashed case representation of the class property name. However, you can define a custom name via the flagName option.

flagName: 'server'
declare startServer: boolean

The flag description is displayed on the help screen. You can define it using the description option.

flagName: 'server',
description: 'Starts the application server'
declare startServer: boolean

Flag aliases

Aliases the shorthand names for a flag mentioned using a single hyphen (-). An alias must be a single character.

alias: ['r']
declare resource: boolean
alias: ['s']
declare singular: boolean

Flag aliases can be combined when running the command.

make:controller -rs
# Same as
make:controller --resource --singular

Default value

You can define the default value for a flag using the default option. The default value is used when the flag is not mentioned or mentioned without a value.

default: true,
declare startServer: boolean
default: 'sqlite',
declare connection: string

Processing flag value

Using the parse method, you can process the flag value before it is defined as the class property.

parse (value) {
return value ? connections[value] : value
declare connection: string

Accessing all flags

You can access all flags mentioned while running the command using the this.parsed.flags property. The flags property is an object of key-value pair.

import { BaseCommand, flags } from '@adonisjs/core/ace'
export default class MakeControllerCommand extends BaseCommands {
declare resource: boolean
declare singular: boolean
async run() {
* Names of flags mentioned but not
* accepted by the command