

This document outlines notable releases for the framework core and the ecosystem packages maintained by the AdonisJS core team.

Package Change Released on
create-adonisjs@v2.4.0 Remove installation prompt and always install packages by default. Jun 22, 2024
@adonisjs/redis@v9.0.0 Remove legacy health checks and add new health check classes. Jun 20, 2024
create-adonisjs@v2.3.0 Improve onboarding experience of creating a new application. Jun 19, 2024
@adonisjs/health@v2.0.0 Release health checks package. Jun 19, 2024
@adonisjs/ace@v13.1.0 Add kernel.hasCommand method. Jun 19, 2024
@adonisjs/lucid@v21.0.0 Support for libSQL and new health checks. Jun 18, 2024
@adonisjs/session@v7.4.1 Fix maxAge issue with the file driver. Jun 5, 2024
@adonisjs/vite@v3.0.0 Out of experimental phase. Jun 2, 2024
@adonisjs/ace@v13.0.1 Remove absoluteFilePath leaking in the commands metadata json file. Jun 2, 2024
@adonisjs/http-server@v7.2.3 Fix bug with defineConfig helper. May 21, 2024
@adonisjs/lucid@v20.6.0 Improvements to the DateTime comparison when using "orCreate" methods. May 2, 2024
@adonisjs/core@v6.9.0 Add `env:add` command to define environment variable and its validation rules. Apr 30, 2024
@adonisjs/core@v6.8.0 Moving HMR out of experimental phase. Apr 22, 2024
@adonisjs/core@v6.7.0 Experimental support for HMR. Apr 15, 2024
@adonisjs/core@v6.6.0 Upgrade to VineJS 2.0. Apr 15, 2024
@adonisjs/auth@v9.2.0 Configure basic auth guard and export authFinder mixin from its own subpath. Apr 2, 2024
@adonisjs/application@v8.2.0 Add onHttpServerMessage hook. Mar 31, 2024
@adonisjs/env@v6.0.0 Allow to add identifiers. Mar 30, 2024
@adonisjs/http-server@v7.2.0 Add response.onFinish method to listen when response is finished. Mar 29, 2024
@adonisjs/mail@v9.2.1 Fix mail assertion API to allow mail class constructor to accept arguments. Mar 27, 2024
@adonisjs/lucid@v20.5.1 Add clause variant to findBy method. Mar 27, 2024
@adonisjs/lucid@v20.5.0 Add step option to the migrator. Mar 27, 2024
@adonisjs/session@v7.3.0 Display validation error summary in flash messages errorsBag. Mar 20, 2024
@adonisjs/session@v7.2.0 Add @errors tag. Mar 20, 2024
@adonisjs/lucid@v20.4.0 Add support for pretty printing debug queries and findMany helper method. Mar 13, 2024
@adonisjs/core@6.3.0 Experimental hooks, `node ace add` and new Codemods APIs. Feb 24, 2024
@adonisjs/mail@9.2.0 Add support for defining multiple cc and bcc addresses. Feb 10, 2024
@adonisjs/logger@4.1.6 Support falsy value in sprintf substitution. Feb 9, 2024
@adonisjs/limiter@2.1.0 Breaking - Final release with v6 compatibility. Feb 7, 2024
@adonisjs/core@6.2.3 Respect singular CLI flag when creating a new controller. Feb 5, 2024
@adonisjs/shield@8.1.1 Fix shieldApiClient plugin export function. Feb 2, 2024
@adonisjs/http-server@7.0.3 Make Router class macroable Latest. Feb 2, 2024
@vinejs/vine@1.7.1 Bug fix and performance improvements. Jan 29, 2024
@adonisjs/auth@9.1.0 Add basic auth guard. Jan 29, 2024
@adonisjs/application@8.0.3 Fix stub exports parser and use dash-case for command names. Jan 27, 2024
@adonisjs/presets@2.2.4 Generate access tokens migration file during setup. Jan 25, 2024
@adonisjs/auth@9.0.3 Fix cross DB issues with the tokens and the users providers. Jan 25, 2024
@adonisjs/lucid@20.0.0 Switch default naming strategy to camelCase and add support for nulls treatment in order by clause. Jan 25, 2024
@adonisjs/bouncer@3.1.0 Update i18n error identifier and JSONAPI error code. Jan 22, 2024
@adonisjs/shield@8.1.0 Optionally read CSRF exception error message via i18n. Jan 22, 2024
@adonisjs/http-server@7.0.1 Use status pages return value and add new cookie options. Jan 22, 2024
@adonisjs/assembler@7.1.0 Disable experimental warnings. Jan 19, 2024
@adonisjs/mail@9.1.0 Add mjml component to convert mjml markup to HTML when sending emails. Jan 9, 2024