Health checks

Health checks

Health checks are performed to ensure that your application is in a healthy state while running in production. This may include monitoring the available disk space on the server, the memory consumed by your application, or testing the database connection.

AdonisJS provides a handful of built-in health checks and the ability to create and register custom health checks.

Configuring health checks

You may configure health checks in your application by executing the following command. The command will create a start/health.ts file and configures health checks for memory usage and used disk space. Feel free to modify this file and remove/add additional health checks.

Make sure you have installed @adonisjs/core@6.12.1 before using the following command.

node ace configure health_checks
import { HealthChecks, DiskSpaceCheck, MemoryHeapCheck } from '@adonisjs/core/health'
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new DiskSpaceCheck(),
new MemoryHeapCheck(),

Exposing an endpoint

A common approach for performing health checks is to expose an HTTP endpoint that an external monitoring service can ping to collect the health check results.

So, let's define a route within the start/routes.ts file and bind the HealthChecksController to it. The health_checks_controller.ts file is created during the initial setup and lives inside the app/controllers directory.

import router from '@adonisjs/core/services/router'
const HealthChecksController = () => import('#controllers/health_checks_controller')
router.get('/health', [HealthChecksController])

Sample report

The method will execute all the checks and return a detailed report as a JSON object. The report has the following properties:

"isHealthy": true,
"status": "warning",
"finishedAt": "2024-06-20T07:09:35.275Z",
"debugInfo": {
"pid": 16250,
"ppid": 16051,
"platform": "darwin",
"uptime": 16.271809083,
"version": "v21.7.3"
"checks": [
"name": "Disk space check",
"isCached": false,
"message": "Disk usage is 76%, which is above the threshold of 75%",
"status": "warning",
"finishedAt": "2024-06-20T07:09:35.275Z",
"meta": {
"sizeInPercentage": {
"used": 76,
"failureThreshold": 80,
"warningThreshold": 75
"name": "Memory heap check",
"isCached": false,
"message": "Heap usage is under defined thresholds",
"status": "ok",
"finishedAt": "2024-06-20T07:09:35.265Z",
"meta": {
"memoryInBytes": {
"used": 41821592,
"failureThreshold": 314572800,
"warningThreshold": 262144000


A boolean to know if all the checks have passed. The value will be set to false if one or more checks fail.


Report status after performing all the checks. It will be one of the following.

  • ok: All checks have passed successfully.
  • warning: One or more checks have reported a warning.
  • error: One or more checks have failed.


The DateTime at which the tests were completed.


An array of objects containing the detailed report of all the performed checks.


Debug info can be used to identify the process and the duration for which it has been running. It includes the following properties.

  • pid: The process ID.
  • ppid: The process ID of the parent process managing your AdonisJS app process.
  • platform: The platform on which the application is running.
  • uptime: The duration (in seconds) for which the application is running.
  • version: Node.js version.

Protecting the endpoint

You may protect the /health endpoint from public access using either the auth middleware or creating a custom middleware that checks for a particular API secret inside the request header. For example:

import router from '@adonisjs/core/services/router'
const HealthChecksController = () => import('#controllers/health_checks_controller')
.get('/health', [HealthChecksController])
.use(({ request, response }, next) => {
if (request.header('x-monitoring-secret') === 'some_secret_value') {
return next()
response.unauthorized({ message: 'Unauthorized access' })

Available health checks

Following is the list of available health checks you can configure within the start/health.ts file.


The DiskSpaceCheck calculates the used disk space on your server and reports a warning/error when a certain threshold has been exceeded.

import { HealthChecks, DiskSpaceCheck } from '@adonisjs/core/health'
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new DiskSpaceCheck()

By default, the warning threshold is set to 75%, and the failure threshold is set to 80%. However, you may also define custom thresholds.

export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new DiskSpaceCheck()
.warnWhenExceeds(80) // warn when used over 80%
.failWhenExceeds(90), // fail when used over 90%


The MemoryHeapCheck monitors the heap size reported by the process.memoryUsage() method and reports a warning/error when a certain threshold has been exceeded.

import { HealthChecks, MemoryHeapCheck } from '@adonisjs/core/health'
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new MemoryHeapCheck()

By default, the warning threshold is set to 250MB and the failure threshold is set to 300MB. However, you may define custom thresholds as well.

export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new MemoryHeapCheck()
.warnWhenExceeds('300 mb')
.failWhenExceeds('700 mb'),


The MemoryRSSCheck monitors the Resident Set Size reported by the process.memoryUsage() method and reports a warning/error when a certain threshold has been exceeded.

import { HealthChecks, MemoryRSSCheck } from '@adonisjs/core/health'
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new MemoryRSSCheck()

By default, the warning threshold is set to 320MB, and the failure threshold is set to 350MB. However, you may also define custom thresholds.

export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new MemoryRSSCheck()
.warnWhenExceeds('600 mb')
.failWhenExceeds('800 mb'),


The DbCheck is provided by the @adonisjs/lucid package to monitor the connection with a SQL database. You can import and use it as follows.

import db from '@adonisjs/lucid/services/db'
import { DbCheck } from '@adonisjs/lucid/database'
import { HealthChecks, DiskSpaceCheck, MemoryHeapCheck } from '@adonisjs/core/health'
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new DiskSpaceCheck(),
new MemoryHeapCheck(),
new DbCheck(db.connection()),

Following is an example report from the database health check.

Report sample
"name": "Database health check (postgres)",
"isCached": false,
"message": "Successfully connected to the database server",
"status": "ok",
"finishedAt": "2024-06-20T07:18:23.830Z",
"meta": {
"connection": {
"name": "postgres",
"dialect": "postgres"

The DbCheck class accepts a database connection for monitoring. Register this check multiple times for each connection if you want to monitor multiple connections. For example:

Monitoring multiple connections
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new DiskSpaceCheck(),
new MemoryHeapCheck(),
new DbCheck(db.connection()),
new DbCheck(db.connection('mysql')),
new DbCheck(db.connection('pg')),


The DbConnectionCountCheck monitors the active connections on the database server and reports a warning/error when a certain threshold has been exceeded. This check is only supported for PostgreSQL and MySQL databases.

import db from '@adonisjs/lucid/services/db'
import { DbCheck, DbConnectionCountCheck } from '@adonisjs/lucid/database'
import { HealthChecks, DiskSpaceCheck, MemoryHeapCheck } from '@adonisjs/core/health'
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new DiskSpaceCheck(),
new MemoryHeapCheck(),
new DbCheck(db.connection()),
new DbConnectionCountCheck(db.connection())

Following is an example report from the database connection count health check.

Report sample
"name": "Connection count health check (postgres)",
"isCached": false,
"message": "There are 6 active connections, which is under the defined thresholds",
"status": "ok",
"finishedAt": "2024-06-20T07:30:15.840Z",
"meta": {
"connection": {
"name": "postgres",
"dialect": "postgres"
"connectionsCount": {
"active": 6,
"warningThreshold": 10,
"failureThreshold": 15

By default, the warning threshold is set to 10 connections, and the failure threshold is set to 15 connections. However, you may also define custom thresholds.

new DbConnectionCountCheck(db.connection())


The RedisCheck is provided by the @adonisjs/redis package to monitor the connection with a Redis database (including Cluster). You can import and use it as follows.

import redis from '@adonisjs/redis/services/main'
import { RedisCheck } from '@adonisjs/redis'
import { HealthChecks, DiskSpaceCheck, MemoryHeapCheck } from '@adonisjs/core/health'
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new DiskSpaceCheck(),
new MemoryHeapCheck(),
new RedisCheck(redis.connection()),

Following is an example report from the database health check.

Report sample
"name": "Redis health check (main)",
"isCached": false,
"message": "Successfully connected to the redis server",
"status": "ok",
"finishedAt": "2024-06-22T05:37:11.718Z",
"meta": {
"connection": {
"name": "main",
"status": "ready"

The RedisCheck class accepts a redis connection to monitor. Register this check multiple times for each connection if you want to monitor multiple connections. For example:

Monitoring multiple connections
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new DiskSpaceCheck(),
new MemoryHeapCheck(),
new RedisCheck(redis.connection()),
new RedisCheck(redis.connection('cache')),
new RedisCheck(redis.connection('locks')),


The RedisMemoryUsageCheck monitors the memory consumption of the redis server and reports a warning/error when a certain threshold has been exceeded.

import redis from '@adonisjs/redis/services/main'
import { RedisCheck, RedisMemoryUsageCheck } from '@adonisjs/redis'
import { HealthChecks, DiskSpaceCheck, MemoryHeapCheck } from '@adonisjs/core/health'
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new DiskSpaceCheck(),
new MemoryHeapCheck(),
new RedisCheck(redis.connection()),
new RedisMemoryUsageCheck(redis.connection())

Following is an example report from the redis memory usage health check.

Report sample
"name": "Redis memory consumption health check (main)",
"isCached": false,
"message": "Redis memory usage is 1.06MB, which is under the defined thresholds",
"status": "ok",
"finishedAt": "2024-06-22T05:36:32.524Z",
"meta": {
"connection": {
"name": "main",
"status": "ready"
"memoryInBytes": {
"used": 1109616,
"warningThreshold": 104857600,
"failureThreshold": 125829120

By default, the warning threshold is set to 100MB, and the failure threshold is set to 120MB. However, you may also define custom thresholds.

new RedisMemoryUsageCheck(db.connection())

Caching results

Health checks are performed every time you call the method (aka visit the /health endpoint). You might want to ping the /health endpoint frequently, but avoid performing certain checks on every visit.

For example, monitoring disk space every minute is not very useful, but tracking memory every minute can be helpful.

Therefore, we allow you to cache the results of individual health checks when you register them. For example:

import {
} from '@adonisjs/core/health'
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new DiskSpaceCheck().cacheFor('1 hour'),
new MemoryHeapCheck(), // do not cache
new MemoryRSSCheck(), // do not cache

Creating a custom health check

You may create a custom health check as a JavaScript class that adheres to the HealthCheckContract interface. You can define a health check anywhere inside your project or package and import it within the start/health.ts file to register it.

import { Result, BaseCheck } from '@adonisjs/core/health'
import type { HealthCheckResult } from '@adonisjs/core/types/health'
export class ExampleCheck extends BaseCheck {
async run(): Promise<HealthCheckResult> {
* The following checks are for reference purposes only
if (checkPassed) {
return Result.ok('Success message to display')
if (checkFailed) {
return Result.failed('Error message', errorIfAny)
if (hasWarning) {
return Result.warning('Warning message')

As shown in the above example, you may use the Result class to create Health check results. Optionally, you may merge meta-data for the result as follows.

Result.ok('Database connection is healthy').mergeMetaData({
connection: {
dialect: 'pg',
activeCount: connections,

Registering custom health check

You may import your custom health check class within the start/health.ts file and register it by creating a new class instance.

import { ExampleCheck } from '../app/health_checks/example.js'
export const healthChecks = new HealthChecks().register([
new DiskSpaceCheck().cacheFor('1 hour'),
new MemoryHeapCheck(),
new MemoryRSSCheck(),
new ExampleCheck()