AdonisJS Drive (@adonisjs/drive
) is a lightweight wrapper on top of FlyDrive is a file storage library for Node.js. It provides a unified API to interact with the local file system and cloud storage solutions like S3, R2, and GCS.
Using FlyDrive, you can manage user-uploaded files on various cloud storage services (including the local filesystem) without changing a single line of code.
Install and configure the @adonisjs/drive
package using the following command:
node ace add @adonisjs/drive
Installs the
package using the detected package manager. -
Registers the following service provider inside the
file.{providers: [// ...other providers() => import('@adonisjs/drive/drive_provider'),]} -
Creates the
file. -
Defines the environment variables for the selected storage services.
Install the required peer dependencies for the selected storage services.
The @adonisjs/drive
package configuration is stored inside the config/drive.ts
file. You can define config for multiple services within a single config file.
See also: Config stub
import env from '#start/env'
import app from '@adonisjs/core/services/app'
import { defineConfig, services } from '@adonisjs/drive'
const driveConfig = defineConfig({
default: env.get('DRIVE_DISK'),
services: {
* Persist files on the local filesystem
fs: services.fs({
location: app.makePath('storage'),
serveFiles: true,
routeBasePath: '/uploads',
visibility: 'public',
* Persist files on Digital Ocean spaces
spaces: services.s3({
credentials: {
accessKeyId: env.get('SPACES_KEY'),
secretAccessKey: env.get('SPACES_SECRET'),
region: env.get('SPACES_REGION'),
bucket: env.get('SPACES_BUCKET'),
endpoint: env.get('SPACES_ENDPOINT'),
visibility: 'public',
export default driveConfig
Environment variables
The credentials/settings for the storage services are stored as environment variables within the .env
file. Make sure to update the values before you can use Drive.
Also, the DRIVE_DISK
environment variable defines the default disk/service for managing files. For example, you may want to use the fs
disk in development and the spaces
disk in production.
Once you have configured Drive, you can import the drive
service to interact with its APIs. In the following example, we handle a file upload operation using Drive.
Since AdonisJS integration is a thin wrapper on top of FlyDrive. To better understand its APIs, you should read FlyDrive docs.
import { cuid } from '@adonisjs/core/helpers'
import drive from '@adonisjs/drive/services/main'
import router from '@adonisjs/core/services/router'
router.put('/me', async ({ request, response }) => {
* Step 1: Grab the image from the request and perform basic
* validations
const image = request.file('avatar', {
size: '2mb',
extnames: ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png'],
if (!image) {
return response.badRequest({ error: 'Image missing' })
* Step 2: Move the image with a unique name using Drive
const key = `uploads/${cuid()}.${image.extname}`
await image.moveToDisk(key)
* Respond with the file's public URL
return {
message: 'Image uploaded',
url: image.meta.url,
The Drive package adds the
method to the MultipartFile. This method moves the file from itstmpPath
to the configured storage provider. -
After moving the file, the
property will be set on the file object. This property contains the public URL of the file. If your files are private, then you must use thedrive.use().getSignedUrl()
Drive service
Drive service exported by the @adonisjs/drive/services/main
path is a singleton instance of the DriveManager class created using the config exported from the config/drive.ts
You can import this service to interact with the DriveManager and the configured file storage services. For example:
import drive from '@adonisjs/drive/services/main'
drive instanceof DriveManager // true
* Returns instance of the default disk
const disk = drive.use()
* Returns instance of a disk named r2
const disk = drive.use('r2')
* Returns instance of a disk named spaces
const disk = drive.use('spaces')
Once you have access to an instance of a Disk, you can use it to manage files.
See also: Disk API
await disk.put(key, value)
await disk.putStream(key, readableStream)
await disk.get(key)
await disk.getStream(key)
await disk.getArrayBuffer(key)
await disk.delete(key)
await disk.deleteAll(prefix)
await disk.copy(source, destination)
await disk.move(source, destination)
await disk.copyFromFs(source, destination)
await disk.moveFromFs(source, destination)
Local filesystem driver
AdonisJS integration enhances the FlyDrive's local filesystem driver and adds support for URL generation and ability to serve files using the AdonisJS HTTP server.
Following is the list of options you may use configure the filesystem driver.
services: {
fs: services.fs({
location: app.makePath('storage'),
visibility: 'public',
appUrl: env.get('APP_URL'),
serveFiles: true,
routeBasePath: '/uploads',
property defines the stores inside which the files should be stored. This directory should be added to.gitignore
so that you do not push files uploaded during development to the production server. -
property is used to mark files public or private. Private files can only be accessed using signed URLs. Learn more -
option auto registers a route to serve the files from the local filesystem. You can view this route using the list:routes ace command. -
option defines the base prefix for the route to serve files. Make sure the base prefix is unique. -
You may optionally define the
property to create URLs with the complete domain name of your application. Otherwise relative URLs will be created.
Edge helpers
Within the Edge templates, you may use one the following helper methods to generate URLs. Both the methods are async, so make sure to await
<img src="{{ await driveUrl(user.avatar) }}" />
<!-- Generate URL for a named disk -->
<img src="{{ await driveUrl(user.avatar, 's3') }}" />
<img src="{{ await driveUrl(user.avatar, 'r2') }}" />
<a href="{{ await driveSignedUrl(invoice.key) }}">
Download Invoice
<!-- Generate URL for a named disk -->
<a href="{{ await driveSignedUrl(invoice.key, 's3') }}">
Download Invoice
<!-- Generate URL with signed options -->
<a href="{{ await driveSignedUrl(invoice.key, {
expiresIn: '30 mins',
}) }}">
Download Invoice
MultipartFile helper
Drive extends the Bodyparser MultipartFile class and adds the moveToDisk
method. This method copies the file from its tmpPath
to the configured storage provider.
const image = request.file('image')!
const key = 'user-1-avatar.png'
* Move file to the default disk
await image.moveToDisk(key)
* Move file to a named disk
await image.moveToDisk(key, 's3')
* Define additional properties during the
* move operation
await image.moveToDisk(key, 's3', {
contentType: 'image/png',
* Write file by first reading it as a buffer. You may use this
* option when your cloud storage provider results in broken
* files with the "stream" option
await image.moveToDisk(key, 's3', {
moveAs: 'buffer'
Faking Disks during tests
The fakes API of Drive can be used during testing to prevent interacting with a remote storage. In the fakes mode, the drive.use()
method will return a fake disk (backed by local filesystem) and all files will be written inside the ./tmp/drive-fakes
directory of your application root.
These files are deleted automatically after you restore a fake using the drive.restore
See also: FlyDrive fakes documentation
import { test } from '@japa/runner'
import drive from '@adonisjs/drive/services/main'
import fileGenerator from '@poppinss/file-generator''Users | update', () => {
test('should be able to update my avatar', async ({ client, cleanup }) => {
* Fake the "spaces" disk and restore the fake
* after the test finishes
const fakeDisk = drive.fake('spaces')
cleanup(() => drive.restore('spaces'))
* Create user to perform the login and update
const user = await UserFactory.create()
* Generate a fake in-memory png file with size of
* 1mb
const { contents, mime, name } = await fileGenerator.generatePng('1mb')
* Make put request and send the file
await client
.file('avatar', contents, {
filename: name,
contentType: mime,
* Assert the file exists